Conscious Business Center (hereinafter CBC) is a community of learning and integral growth, which aims to promote freedom and prosperity, forming people who derive economic value from ethical values.
OUR VISION: A society in which profit is a consequence and demonstration of service, and a life in coherence with values.
We seek to help companies and individuals reach their full potential, and assume leadership of their lives, families and organizations that inspire material, emotional, intellectual and moral excellence.
OUR PURPOSE: To cultivate extraordinary individuals who, by putting their values into action, inspire those around them to live a life of physical, emotional, intellectual and moral excellence.
OUR VALUES: Unconditional responsibility, essential integrity and ontological humility.
Unconditional responsibility: The fundamental dignity of a human being lies in his or her ability to choose how to respond to any situation.
Essential integrity: We use life's challenges to express the highest part of ourselves, adopting an attitude consistent with our core values and reaching the state of inner peace called "success beyond success".
Ontological humility: It’s an understanding that no one has a special claim on reality or truth. There are many ways of seeing the world. Others have equally valid perspectives that deserve respect and consideration. It is possible to accommodate diversity by integrating it into a more comprehensive vision.
Conscious Business Coaching Plus: It is a training program in conscious coaching, which provides the option to be certified as a Conscious Business Coach, by completing the respective hours of practice and passing a written and oral exams.
Section 1: On the scope of the code of ethics
This code establishes the principles to which the CBC adheres, as well as the standards and official ethics of the Conscious Business Center for its Conscious Business Coaching program. It applies to CB Coaches, coach facilitators, master coaches, coaches under supervision (CBS), graduates and students. It provides a reference and moral standards. This code permits our community members to develop freely, assuming the commitment to honor this code.
This code of ethics acts within the framework of the laws of the country where CBC students or certified coaches work or live, and it is the responsibility of whoever accepts it to contextualize the document so that it remains aligned with CBC values.
The CBC is not responsible for the professional performance or work of the coaches it certifies, nor for supervising or monitoring them once they complete the training process. The certification granted by the Conscious Business Center certifies that they know and manage the concepts of Conscious Business and the CBC coaching model, but not their professional competence. CBC certified coaches are responsible for their own work and results.
Section 2: About Coaching and the persons covered by this code of ethics
Coaching is a process of accompaniment and expansion of consciousness where the coach challenges and motivates the coachee to bridge a gap that arises from a creative or stressful tension, developing skills to respond to the challenge, and not only solve a problem, but learning to solve future problems, and learn from themselves and others, consistent with their purpose and values, within a collaborative framework.
Ethics: We understand ethics as a set of norms that direct and value the behavior of a human being within his or her community.
Standards: Are moral principles that govern all CBC certified coaches, establishing minimum standards of practice that orient and guide the behaviors and health model of a CB Coach.
Coach: Professional who believes in the potential of human beings and accompanies them to expand and flourish. A CB Coach accompanies a coachee to the awakening of his or her consciousness, developing skills and competencies through a health model and Conscious Business tools.
Facilitator Coach: By coach facilitator we mean a coach certified by the CBC, who is invited to facilitate the Conscious Business Coaching Program, which is a paid service.
CBS: A CBC certified coach who accompanies an experienced coach facilitator who is leading a group. CBS receives mentoring from him/her during the development of a generation of duration of the Conscious Business Coaching+ program, with the objective of learning the facilitation process and deepening his/her understanding of the coaching or Conscious Business distinctions. It is an unpaid and voluntary service.
Student: A student is a person enrolled and actively attending the Conscious Business Coaching training program.
Graduate: A graduate is defined as a student who has completed the Conscious Business Coaching Program but has not yet been certified as a Conscious Business Coach.
Section 3: Professional conduct
Section 4- Responsibility
Section 5- Confidentiality
If I violate this CBC code of ethics, I accept full responsibility and the consequences that will result in termination of professional relationship with CBC (if I am a facilitator or a participant) or the suspension of my certification as a CB Coach.